So...week 2 is DONE! The week flewww by!! Great news for me....only 50 more weeks to go! I am starting to get a bit more comfortable here, but I'll admit I'm still too shy to try and speak Korean- even the basics like "Hello" and "Thank you". I'm just awkward about it...
I am saying this, and will probably continue to say this....NOTHING in Korea is the same as home. Take for example TOILET PAPER...Clearly I can't read any of the writing on the packages of ANYTHING who would have known that in Korea they have different SCENTED toilet paper....very disappointing. VERY disappointing...I managed to pick up a lovely Lilac scented kind....I want to throw up everytime I smell it, only 23 more rolls to go!! Great!
I successfully managed to do laundry again- this time I think I mastered the art of clothes only took a day to dry!! Yay!!! I'm pretty happy about that! It doesnt look all that attractive in the middle of my room, but hey- it's not like I have anyone coming over or anything? haha...oh sad.
Speaking of sad, this week had it's ups and downs, like most weeks will I'm sure. As sad as I am about being here, everyday is an adventure!! The people at work have been great- extremely helpful and always willing to show me around, answer my questions and offer advice on things. I am thankful that I have them here!! A couple of us went for lunch this week at an all you can eat sushi place for $10. It. Is. AAAAMAZING!! It's a sushi buffet! Wow....super yummy!! There is a salad bar, soups, tons of kinds of sushi, french fries- odd I know, and usually some kind of hot dish (I don't know any of the names of things here...but it's GOOD). Some of us ended up going back a day later for lunch again- I'm sure this will be a regular spot for me! (:
This week one of the teachers hosted a dinner party at her place. She made meat balls, pasta, steamed broccoli, and sauteed zucchini and onions. Everyone chipped in and brought different things- it was great!! There was about 15 people there, most from our school (English & Korean teachers) and a few other people.
As far as school goes- I believe I will always feel overwhelmed about it. It flies by and with teaching a lot of different classes, it's hard to keep track of everything. I like going in early in the mornings though and preparing myself- I need to do this or I would totally fail at it. For those of you who have worked with me before, you know I need to be there early anyway, it's just my thing. This week nothing too crazy happened there. There was an incident where one of the boys in my grade 4 class farted, yes farted, and it sounded like a high pitch whistle....I cried I was laughing so hard. I also turned that embarassingly hideous red colour I sometimes do in awkward situations. I'm pretty sure the kids in class laughed harder at me for laughing so hard I cried. Initially I tried to contain myself, to save the poor kid from being even more embarassed...but that was a failure. Ahh happens?
This weekend was my first of experiencing going out in Seoul....and wow! Did I ever go out!! Friday night after work a couple of us went for dinner, which led to soju and beers, which led to a bar...On the way we ran into someone one of the other teachers knows...he came with us for a drink. I asked him where he was headed that night...he said Seoul. So I asked if I could join...he said yes! He was a great tour guide. We hit up the subway, ended up somewhere (Ok Ok I know this may have not been the smartest decision ever seeing as I 1.Dont have a cell, 2.Dont even know my own address if I were to get lost 3.Was drinking, 4.Was going out with a total stranger?) BUTTTTT sometimes in life you take risks and hope it works out, which it did!! I had a blast!! I met some new people, made some great memories, and checked out some of the night life in Korea...they party hard here, until the sun comes up. Now I realize this is unrealistic to do every weekend- I don't have the drinking capabilities I once had, but every now and then this will be a great thing to dabble in!!! We went to a few different places. One was a club- they played great music there! We sipped cocktails out of a bucket, I got my dance on and I even tried to win some free booze by shooting some hoops- failed. We moved on from there to this other little hot spot and let me tell you- it was insanely amazing!! It was this bar that was like something out of a fairytale movie, like a mystical land. You took off your shoes and roamed through the bar that was like something out of Alice and Wonderland....we sat around this wood stump, drank beers and smoked melon flavoured hooka- yummy! We also ate these little things that tasted like fruit loops. It was a very good thing!!! They asked us to leave at 430am cause they were closing...haha...moving on, we went to another bar (cause apparently I'm a rockstar?). We hung out there for a bit then continued on our journey. Hit up a wannabe schwarma place (I didnt try this- looked wayyy too sketchy for me) and then we cabbed back to Hwajung. I rolled in around 6am....attempted to Facebook and then fast asleep....great night!! Woke up a few hours after that...not a great morning- well worth it though!!!
And the adventure continues.....
*(I just want to give a shout out to my friends and family, I miss you all SOOOO much- thank you for being so supportive! I love you all!)
If anyone wants to send me mail...
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