Sunday, December 5, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Randomness at it's best!
I decided to get off the beaten path one day and venture on a little solo exploration (which actually wasn't off the beaten path at all- just a place I had never been before alone, and for an extended period of time)....Hapjeong- as I've experienced it held some of the cutest cafes I've seen (and Korea isn't lacking cute cafes- they are everywhere!)...I did some walking, window shopping and ended up in Hongdae- a place that holds a bustling night life, but a place I'd never seen in the day. I must say...looks a lot different in the day light! It was busy, there were vendors all over, I didn't really enjoy it as much as I do at night (perhaps because night usually involves several cocktails of one kind or another). At night it looks/feels much more glamorous than in the day...I ended up venturing back through the Hapjeong area where I stopped for a Sangria and Veggie Sandwich at a quaint little cafe. I indulged myself in a Korean Magazine (for the pictures obviously) and just people watched, as the weather was perfect enough for the place to keep their big window open- twas perfect afternoon alone. Never would I have been brave enough to do that at home- eat alone?! SCARYYY....but here, now, it's liberating I feel!
With the holidays literally around the corner, I decided (with the help of a former teacher who left it here) to grow a Christmas tree! took 6 hours to do and looked the nicest when it was first done (it's starting to look a little shabby now that I've had it for like 2 weeks...) I have no idea how it worked, but it was a cardboard tree you put a liquid in the bottom and as the cardboard soaked up the liquid, little crystal like branches formed- good enough for me. Fortunately I have a little Christmas tree here...although it certainly doesn't feel like Christmas at all. Around October in Canada is when Christmas decorations start popping up- here they have the SMALLEST amount of decorations- if any! It's so bizarre! Not to mention the still mild weather- I'm being thrown for a loop. This Christmas will definitely be interesting- my flight leaves for Thailand at like 830am Christmas morning....WOW! How pumped am I?!
My life and Seoul in Korea- my kids!! xo
Fall is beautiful in Seoul....
Namsan Tower, formerly known as Seoul Tower (or vice versa...) Sweet view of the city. At the top couples "lock" their love there- there are thousands of locks on the fence!
I feel like there isn't much going on here lately- I'm living in Korea now- for 8 months? Everything feels normal to me now (I'm sure it's FAR from normal for friends/family in Canada- but I guess I'm used to it?)... I still feel like I just left yesterday yet my life has gone from homesick, to happy, back to homesick, to crazy party times, homesick, happy- what a rollercoaster ride! I can honestly say though, I'm pretty much the happiest I've been in as long as I can remember! I have some good people in my life right now and it's making things great! I know I can count on my friends/family back home, but it's nice to know that I also have people here in Korea I can count on- and for that, thank you.
Fall has been such a great season here. It went from being a RAINY, WET summer here- I felt like there was a time it rained for weeks (because it did- they call that "rainy season" for a reason)....Then one day, it stopped raining. The weather cooled, but not enough that it was cold- it was comfortable. It can get steamy here in the summer! I've really enjoyed the last couple of months- I've explored a few hidden jems, off the beaten path. I wish it wasn't so far from home- as much as I love it here, I need a little taste of Canadian soil before I continue my adventures.
I took a trip up to Seoul Tower recently with Jake- it was amazing (despite the efforts it took me to get there- with a population in Seoul millions upon millions, travelling can be HECTIC at times, not to mention the G20)...We were there at night, but you could still see the beautiful fall leaves- the weather was actually pretty mild still. It was so nice. We had dinner overlooking the city- such a great time! At the top of the tower there are fences with an observation deck and the fences are covered in locks with little love messages (clearly in Korean so I had no idea what they said..) It was still really cool to see!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Kids and their words....
Child: PINE TREE!! (
Me: What rhymes with dart?
Child: Part, start, shart
Me: What's a shart??
Child: Ohhh teachaaa, I dunno?
Me: Plain Jane is a girl who is "plain", nothing special...
Child: Ohhhh you mean like PlainBoy?
Me: What's PlainBoy?!
Child: Ohhh teacha, you know, he only wear panties!! (
Child: I have a tooth eating bug in my mouth!!
Me: A WHAT?!
Other child: Nooooo teacher- she means a cavity!!
Me: Americans are very patriotic, do you know what that means?
Child: That they are fat? (< perhaps that's how they view North Americans? haha)
Writing prompt: Think about the best teacher you have ever had. Why is he or she the best teacher?...
Child #1 partial response...:
My best teacher I ever had is Mandy teacher. Mandy teacher leads our group nicely. Our class usually be loud and noisy so she is little scary. But I think being scary in the bad attention of the class is a teacher work and she does it well.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
If you visit....
If you're checking out my blog- PLEASE comment or leave me a message of some sort. I'd love to know who it is taking the time to read my business, adventures, life trial and errors...
I really enjoy blogging and wish I'd take the time to do more. I'm glad that people are reading it- that's what it's there for!! So please...if you visit, let me know who "YOU" are!!