Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mom and Dad Swing by Korea

Dad's big boy beer that he proceeded to spill all down the inside of his shirt- it's actually tricky when it hits a certain point to drink. The tables here also have refridgeration cups built in to keep it icy cold!
Cheeky beers with fellow Hwaj crew!

Reunited at last!

Introducing....SHABU SHABU!! Steaming hot, delicious soup you sneak those insanely thin slices of meat into, plus add udon noodles and at the end it wraps up with rice, veggies and egg crisped to the bottom of the bowl, not to mention the insane amounts of wasabi and soya I mix all in...heavenly.

Al and Sean getting good use out of the chopsticks

Didn't love sitting on the floor though-

$1.50 biggie ice cream cone in Myeongdong

Blue Brothers?

Tourists in the shopping area

Dad apparently didn't change his army cargo shorts-
@ LaFesta in Ilsan

Visiting the kiddies!
They are showing off the stickers and pencils my parents brought representing Canada- lovely gesture to which I'm still peeling off the stickers from random places around the classroom
Canada pinning which was brief- I was too nervous the parents might get upset if they saw a Canada pin through their kids $200 Burberry shirt- true story.

Dad impressing the kids- the kids LOVED my parents!

Three robots in Insadong

Shopping area in Insadong


We went to see Nanta perform- a cooking-like show, similar to "Stomp" but in the kitchen. It was amazing and dad was chosen to partake....he looked ridiculously silly but it was fun to watch! He married the Korean girl on his right at the end of his little part in the show...amusing.

"Fly" on dad's hat, it was just acting, no words really, so no one really knew what was coming next!

They made him eat soup

Posers, stopped for a photo op without actually venturing into the palace...

@ Korean War Memorial in Yongsan- outside they have ships, tanks, planes...

In front of museum

Venturing into the DMZ exhibit featured there


Mom and I in the entrance of museum
For three weeks in Sept./Oct. I was fortunate enough to have my parents come to visit me!! It was so great to see them- unfortunately I was really busy, but they got to see what goes on here and to be able to tour around Korea a bit! I was definitely excited to see them at the airport- lots of hugs and I even shed a few tears! It had been 7 months since seeing them in person- I missed them!! However, it seems like just yesterday I had this crazy idea to come to Korea and my mom promised me that they'd come for a visit in September....the time finally came!
When they first got here they were super tired from the 14 hour straight through flight- they didn't sleep at all and seeing as Korea is a completely opposite time difference, they were right messed up. I took them for dinner- which would have been their breakfast! First though, we got checked into a love motel- haha...they have them all over Korea. Cheap motels for couples to go hang out I guess? There was a heart shaped light above the bed and everything...super romantic- sick. There was more to it, but I'll leave that to the imagination. Mom and dad were both super tired so it was a short night.
I had the Tues, Wed and Thurs off that week for Chuseok, Korean "Thanksgiving"- they don't eat turkey gave my parents and I sometime to tour around, but a lot of stuff was closed. My mom and dad went for long walks each morning and sometimes night- I feel like they know my neighbourhood better than me now! They also only spent only one night in the luxurious loveeeee hotel before crashing my apartment. It was tight quarters for a week but we sucessfully managed without killing each other!
Throughout the week I tried to take them to a few places that I knew, shopping areas, Nanta performance, different places to eat. I guess I wasn't the greatest tour guide- I was also busy with monthly exams, marking and report cards. Mom and dad ended up heading down to Busan for a week- it's South of Seoul, at the other end of Korea and it's a beach town. While there they saw a really big fire....they seemed to enjoy it but were hesitant to really be adventurous with the food.
When they got back they toured around Ilsan and Itaewan a bit on a few days. They ended up feeling really comfortable with the subway- which is super easy to use. It's in English and you can't really mess it up! They went to the Seoul Grand Park Zoo which they claim to be the best zoo they've ever been to- I have yet to check it out myself.
I must say that I am extremely fortunate to have such great parents to first off, be so supportive of my decision to come here in the first place. I'm also super lucky that they got to come here and visit me- I wish the time wouldn't have gone by so quickly! I feel like I barely saw them. They got to meet some of my friends, have some drinks with us and just take in a bit of Korea. They got a little taste of the ups and downs I've gone through- from language barriers to ajummas who will push you off the sidewalk on their way by. They also got to see why I love it here- my apartments, the kids I teach, all the crazy cool things I'm experiencing!
After the 3 short weeks it was finally time to part ways. I brought them to the airport where I felt like I just picked them up days before....we had our goodbyes where I refused to cry, and then they don't know this but I stood by, out of the way and watched them go through security, choking back tears. Despite all the times we butt heads over meaningless things my parents mean the absolute world to me. I wouldn't be who I am today without their love, support, and guidance through the years. I love you mom and dad!! xo

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